
*Offer available at Patterson Cheney Toyota, customers who present a written quote from a reputable tyre company on the price of their tyres will be eligible to receive 5% off the total quoted price at our dealership. The quote must be dated within 30 days of presentation. Patterson Cheney Toyota is not responsible for any lost, late, misdirected, or for any technical or human error that may occur in the administration of the Campaign offer. We reserve the right to disqualify a customer who is being unreasonable, violent or abusive. Patterson Cheney Toyota reserves the right to change or modify these terms and conditions at any time. LMCT 578

Free over the phone Recall and Service Advantage check

Call our team at Patterson Cheney Toyota to give you peace of mind that there are no safety recalls outstanding on your vehicle

Call 9215 2255

Free battery test and inspection

Call in to Patterson Cheney Service Department and get your free battery test

Grab a coffee and we will get it done while you wait

No appointment required Monday to Friday